Title: Strategic Management and the Performance of Public Organizations: Testing Venerable Ideas against Recent Theories
Title: Strategic Management and the Performance of Public Organizations: Testing Venerable Ideas against Recent Theories
Authors: Meier, Kenneth J., O"Toole Jr., Laurence J., Boyne, George A., Walker, Richard M
Subject: Strategic Management
Publish: 2007
Status: full text
Source: Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory; Jul2007, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p357-377
پابگاه علمی مدیریت و حسابداری منبع: mba20.blog.ir
Miles and Snow, among others, argue that strategy content is an
important influence on organizational performance. Their typology,
applied recently to public organizations in the United Kingdom, divides
strategic actors into four general types: prospectors, defenders,
analyzers, and reactors. This article begins by integrating work on
strategy content or strategic management into the O"Toole-Meier formal
theory of public management. This study shows that strategy content is a
subset of generally accepted management functions in public
organizations. The article then proceeds to test the strategic
management concepts in a large, multiyear sample of public
organizations. The results show that strategy can be separated out from
other elements of management for a distinguishable assessment of its
impact on organizational performance. Unlike the predictions of Miles
and Snow and the empirical findings of Boyne and Walker, however, we
find that the defender strategy is the most effective for the primary
mission of the organization and that the prospector and reactor
strategies work best in regard to the goals of the more politically
powerful elements of the organization"s environment